In Theosophy and Anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. (Wikipedia)
The Akashic Record is a universal giant depot. A kind of library that contains all books to look into the past, present or future…it´s nothing religious but is seen as a vibrational field of love. In this energy field all events and experiences from this or past lives are stored like on a hard disk. (Asanayoga, Julia Bickel)
Every human, animal, plant, house, business, team, farm, country, etc. has its own record we can read, and find answers to questions about them.
For example:
- Health
- Relationships
- Causes of patterns, conflicts, blockages
- Financial issues
- Decisions
- Talents, gifts
- Soul plan
- Life purpose
A reading takes about an hour and is free of charge.
I received my training from Christopher Barham
- ... as if I had found the missing part of my puzzle. (Tine)
- you hit it right on the button, regarding my life´s subject. I received precious impulses and hints for my personal development. thanks from my heart. (Katja)
- Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful reading.
It gives me confidence, hope and courage to manage this difficult situation and to let power and light ointo our lives.
You said so many things that gave me clarity and orientation, that feels wonderful and strong. (Lorena)
- A wonderful reading. Very illuminating, finding and touching. Becoming aware deep inside with connection to my original trust.
I felt very safe during and am more focused.
With gratefulness. (Carmen)
-Brought to the point - with excellent guidance.
thank you. (Celeste)
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